Grange Road Kindergarten has a range of policies in place to support wellbeing within the program, children’s development and your involvement as parents, carers and families.
Please find below some our policies for your information. In addition, a folder with all of these policies is made available in the foyer of the Kindergarten. Please take the time to review when next at the Kindergarten or ask one of our friendly staff any questions you may have.
Grange Road Kindergarten Policies & Procedures
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations Policy
Administration of First Aid Policy
Administration of Medication Policy
Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions Policy
Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Dealing with Medical Conditions
Delivery and Collection of Children
Determining Responsible Person
Excursions and Service Events Policy
Emergency and Evacuation Policy
Enrolment and Orientation Policy
Excursions and Service Events Policy
Governance and Management of the Service Policy
Incident Injury Trauma and Illness Policy
Information Communication Technology Policy
Interactions with Children Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Nutrition Oral Health and Active Play
Occupational Health and Safety
Participation of Volunteers and Students